10 Ways to Boost Your Self-Esteem- International Boost Self-Esteem Month

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10 Ways to Boost Your Self-Esteem- International Boost Self-Esteem Month

Your self-esteem controls the way you view yourself. It controls how positively you view yourself, your ability to pursue the things you desire and need, your resiliency in difficult moments, and so much more.

We have all suffered from bouts of low self-esteem. Maybe you have faced a painful rejection or have not felt great about yourself lately. It is completely normal to face moments in which you lack self-esteem. However, when you struggle with low self-esteem for too long, your mental health will struggle alongside it.

Fortunately, there are ways that you can boost that self-esteem and begin feeling confident in yourself again! A few ways you can do so include:

Identifying Your Negative Thoughts and Challenging Them

The biggest culprit behind low self-esteem is negative thinking patterns. The more aware you are of your inner thoughts, the better your chance of combatting them. A few ways you can raise self-awareness and challenge negative thoughts include:

  • Free writing. You will be able to see your negative thoughts written on paper, helping you increase self-awareness around your thoughts. This will give you the power to change those thoughts as they occur.
  • Cultivating gratitude. Become mindful of the things you have done for yourself and the life you have. Express appreciation toward yourself for working so hard to get here.
  • Practice mindfulness. Mindfulness habits, like meditation, can be useful for bringing us to the present moment. Many negative thoughts occur when we dwell on the past or stress over the future, making mindful habits great for combatting negative thinking.
  • Dropping comparison. We are all different, which is why comparison can be so harmful to our self-esteem.

Compliment Yourself

Take some time at the beginning of the day to remind yourself of your talents, strengths, and beauty. At the end of your day, reflect on the amazing things you accomplished, the strength you displayed, and the things you are proud of yourself for. This will keep thoughts about yourself positive.

Practice Self-Compassion

We all make mistakes. All we can do after a mistake is to learn from it. Dwelling on missteps will do nothing but hurt you in the end. Treat yourself the way you would treat a friend.

Take Care of Yourself

Taking care of yourself is essential for feeling confident and improving self-esteem. A few ways you can take care of yourself for improved self-esteem include:

  • Dressing in a way that makes you feel confident
  • Caring for your health and wellness
  • Setting healthy boundaries (and keeping them!)
  • Participating in hobbies you enjoy
  • Spending time with people who lift you up

Seek Counseling

If you could use some help in building your self-esteem, our therapists are here to help you. Counseling can be an excellent tool for building your self-esteem back up. As you become more comfortable with your therapist, you will begin to open up about your inner thoughts and feelings. Doing so can be incredibly helpful for catching those nasty thoughts dragging your self-esteem down. Our therapists can help you see these negative thoughts and teach you skills to turn them around. If you need a therapist, we are here for you. Contact us today.




Keywords: self-esteem, confidence, counseling, therapist